Improved reporting of iPass usage on the Portal
Throughout the last year iPass has made significant technology developments in their Global Wi-Fi service. This has had a great impact in both coverage, user friendliness and security, all of which have been deemed by users “the most important parts” of the service.
During the last years, the iPass WiFi network has grown significantly, now reaching above 61 million hotspots hotspots in 120 countries.

Over 2000% network growth in three years
Much of this growth has occurred in the traditional network of independent providers or network operators running commercial hotspots, but the fastest growth has occurred in community hotspots covering whole territories like cities, as well as in networks of hotspot aggregators such as Devicescape.
In addition, the iPass latest technology looks in any venue for available hotspots, analyses the quality and credibility, establishes the connection, secures the traffic with the new “Last Mile VPN” technology, and reports on success, quality etc. And if the venue passes quality and security requirements, this is added to the iPass network.
User friendliness
The increased coverage is supported by an “auto-connect” feature, allowing the device to automatically connect to an iPass hotspot without user interference.
In addition, generic passwords are now generated at launch, eliminating one potential source of failure. No need to remember or change passwords at all.
As mentioned above, when defining an iPass connection point, we use advanced technology to determine the security of the available hotspots, and can thus react on any identified risk. In addition, the authentication and traffic data is encrypted, making eves dropping and “man-in the middle-attacks” harmless.
Improved reporting
On the Flexinets portal, we are now able to report all the connection types mentioned above. This does not include home or office networks.
Reporting of the new hotspot types is done from the client when the user connects next time, which can result in usage being reported earlier or later than the traditional networks, which are reported the month after usage.
With these changes in technology, coverage and reporting we hope your users will have an even better value from their iPass subscription.
Please come back with any thoughts of how we can make the service even better in the future. Ideas are welcome at
Also, if you have lost your credentials to the portal, kindly contact us.
Best regards,
Your Flexinets team