Tag Archive for: Wandera

Enhanced Security In The Global Wi-Fi Service
A new layer of security has been added to the iPass Global Wi-Fi…

SLocker malware is back. This is how we protect you.
Remember the SLocker malware outbreak you heard about last summer?…

Er du i kontrol eller bliver du kontrolleret?
Som du sikkert har hørt, kostede et hackerangreb for nyligt…

KRACK; all you need to know about the Wi-Fi vulnerability
This week, researchers published information on a serious weakness…

Gaming apps on corporate devices ‘main source’ of mobile phishing attacks
Analysis of 100,000 corporate devices shows more than a quarter…

Mobile Security for Wi-Fi only devices now available
From now on we will be able to offer comprehensive Mobile…

BLOG: Biometrics – the answer we’ve all been searching for?
Biometrics is an intriguing new prospect in the world of…

Wandera protects against ransomware attacks like the one happening to Maersk
Following the last month’s WannaCry outbreak, another ransomware…

Sideloading Apps – the perfect entry point for vicious malware
You might hear about the dangerous leaks and mobile attacks that…

General Data Protection Regulation: The Mobile Implications
In 2018, the EU will introduce new legislation concerning…